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    Dragon Age 2: Mark of the Assassin v1.03 + 13 DLC + 25 Bonusowych Dodatków [Złote Wydanie/2011/MULTI2/RePack by -Ultra-)

    5-02-2016, 22:45 | Kategoria: PC | Wyświetleń:

    BioWare Corporation ( producent )
    Electronic Arts Inc. ( wydawca )
    Electronic Arts Polska ( dystrybutor PL )
    klasyczne RPG (TPP, fantasy)
    11 października 2011 ( światowa data premiery )
    11 października 2011 ( data wydania w Polsce )
    11 października 2011 ( data premiery w USA

    Akcja dodatku skupia się na magicznym przedmiocie o nazwie Heart of the Many. Zadaniem bohaterów jest zdobycie tego drogocennego reliktu. Nie będzie to jednak wcale takie łatwe, gdyż wszystko wskazuje na to, że ukryto go w posiadłości orlezjańskiego barona. Jest ona położona poza znanym z podstawowej wersji gry miastem Kirkwall. Po drodze czekają na graczy niespotykane wcześniej rodzaje przeciwników i inne niebezpieczeństwa. W związku z tym w rozszerzeniu nie mogło również zabraknąć nowych rodzajów broni i pancerzy.

    Wizerunku i głosu zabójczyni o imieniu Tallis użyczyła w angielskiej wersji językowej amerykańska aktorka Felicia Day

    * Tallis will be our party members only at the time of DLC.
    * Similarly, Heritage new DLC will be held at any time after his arrival in Kirkvoll.
    * Tallis perfectly fit into a team player, her jokes on party members and Hawke are among the best in the game.
    *All party members are available at the time of passage of DLC, will beable to partici**te in the adventure. They will be fully voiced. Carverand Bethany will also be able to join the squad. More interesting, ofcourse, will take those who are connected with the Eagle or Kunar.
    * In the DLC will be some differences depending on when his pass, and what decisions the player picked in the main campaign.
    * At the DLC, developers are experimenting with ideas for future games in the series.
    *Stealth gameplay will not be mandatory. Maybe in the future it will beavailable only for the robbers, but now it can do all of the classes.

    Gibbeds Dragon Age Save Generator
    (In the game folder / Bonus) Create Save for Dragon Age: Origins with the possibility of transfer of Dragon Age 2
    Need NET Framework 4.0 (in the game folder / Bonus)

    Soundtrack (in the game folder / Bonus)

    13 DLC + 25 subjects (Activation is not needed!)
    1. Black shop
    2. Prince in Exile
    3. Awards Signature Edition
    4. Items for the soldier number 1
    5. Items for the magician a„– 1
    6. Items for rogue number 1
    7. Antivan Garrote
    8. Ring Of Whispers
    9. Legacy / Legacy
    10. Items for the soldier number 2
    11. Items for the magician number 2
    12. Items for rogue number 2
    13. Stamp killer / Mark of the Assassin

    Items number 2:

    1. Installed DLC Items number 2
    Thenew DLC with equipment for Dragon Age II - Items number 2. It gathersnew armor, weapons and other equipment for the Hawk and his partymembers.

    2. Set for a mage
    When presented with storiesof great magicians, always mention Aldenona Wise. Mysterious artifactsAldenona receive only one who is worthy of his legacy. Is up to you.
    The kit includes:
    - A new magic stick.
    - Two complete sets of armor for the character of high and low level.
    - Three new things to Anders, Bethany and Merrill.

    3. Set for robber
    Logeyn,before becoming a general, was a notorious bandit. And Duncan was nobetter than before the entry into the Order of the Guardians. Now, theirrelics can be yours!
    The kit includes:
    - Two deadly and One-Handed Axes enchanted bow.
    - Two complete sets of armor for the character of high and low level.
    - Three new items for Sebastien, Isabella and Varrika.

    4. Set for a warrior
    Andthe icy peaks of the mountains of frost, and in the dark thickets ofwild lands inhabited by tribes Korkari fereldenskih barbarians. Theyfought with empires, fought in the holy wars, fought with Morami. Insidethe hidden better weapons and armor of valiant heroes. Let them helpyou decide the power of their own destiny in Kirkvolle!
    The kit includes:
    - Heavy Hammer.
    - Terrible single-handed battle ax and shield.
    - Two complete sets of armor for the character of high and low level.
    - Three new things to Avelino, Carver, and Fenris

    Update 12.10.2011
    Installed DLC Stamp killer / Mark of the Assassin

    Właściwości Repacka:
    - Do not cut / no recoded
    - Installed HighRes Texture Pack
    - Store the original DragonAge2.exe (patches, mods, etc.)
    - Installed Patch 1.01
    - Installed Patch 1.02
    - Installed Patch 1.03
    - RePack by Ultra

    5.45 GB

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